10. 10. 2023

Romanies in Brazil: Relations between Continuity, Change and Difference

Campos, Juliana Miranda Soares and Martin Fotta (editors). 2023. “Romanies in Brazil: Relations Between Continuity, Change and Difference”, special issue of Civitas: Journal of Social Sciences, 23(1),   

The open access dossier Romanies in Brazil: Relations Between Continuity, Change and Difference brings together new and unpublished research about Romanies that has been undertaken in Brazil in recent years and presents it to a wider academic audience. It reveals Romani peoples as active agents who have been contributing and co-constructing Brazil for centuries and the variety of their experiences. From different empirical approaches, the articles gathered in the dossier show some of the ways in which Romanies in Brazil articulate internal relations (of kinship or communal), on the one hand, and those with the non-Romani world around them, on the other.  

Besides co-editing the dossier and co-authoring the introduction, Martin together with and Mariana Sabino Salazar from The University of New Mexico contributed an article that provides for the first time an overview of emerging trends in Romani Studies in Latin America and the Caribbean. 

The entire dossier can be accessed here:  

The article by Martin Fotta and Mariana Sabino Salazar can be accessed here: